Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Book Review: The Insanity of God: a True Story of Faith Resurrected

The Insanity of God: A True story of Faith Resurrected

By Nik Ripken with Gredd Lewis


I don't care what church you go too, if you call or think of yourself as a christian then you must read this book.

This boook starts off telling about Nik Ripken's found Jesus and felt the calling to preach the gospel to the world. His schooling, marriage, and then evently traveling to Afirca. I do have to say though the first half of the book was ok. It was sort of like just reading another book.

I was able to relate to Nik through all the questions he asked himself. I have been asking myself those same questions and never really found any answers, until i read this book.

"Does God, in fact, promise His children safety? Do things always work out for those who are obedient? Does God really ask us to sacrifice— and to sacrifice everything? What happens when our best intentions and most creative ideas are not enough? Is God at work in the hard places? And does He expect us to join Him in those hard places? Isn’t it possible to love God and to pretty much keep living the life I already have? What does it really mean for God to tell us that His ways are not our ways? Would He really allow people who love Him dearly to fail? And, if so, is this a God who can use even holy failure for His purposes?"

The one question they didn't ask themselves til later was were they willing to die for Jesus? After the death of one of there sons they found themselves back in the states and wondered what they should do next. They decided to work with persuctuated christians. They wanted to now how they could help them. Which they find out very quickly is how the persuctuated can help them. Nik tells about his travels and stories that are told to him while visiting other Christians.

If you asked these same questions or just wondered how christians lived in other countries, this will answer your questions. You will not looked at a persecuted Christian with pitty and sadness. You eill look at them with joy and inspiration. This book will inspire you to be better then you are now.

Im going to end this review with the same quote he ends this book with. "Don't you ever give up in Freedom what we would never give up in Persecution."


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