Wednesday, March 25, 2015

I'm going to hike the Appalachian Trail

I liked the idea of a bucket list, but i had to face reality, "I was never going to be able too do things again". That has been my mindset for the last 4 years after being diagnosed with Ménière's Syndrome. But after this past winter doing my expermet, (Check out pervious post), i was feeling better. So I decided to play around and make a bucket list on Pintrest. Then i saw it "hike the Appalachian trial" and i decided i was going to do it. I don't know how or when, but I'm going to do it.
So, why?

These last couple months have been hard on me. I was feeling better health wise, except a few drop attacks. But i was now starting to feel...... trapped, I guess would be the word for it. You see i also have a son with HF Autism, and we decided to homeschool him after his third suspicion from school.

I love my kids and husband, but I feel inadequate. I know some would argue that im a life support for my family. My husband has been even trying to tell me that since i told him i was going. Who was going to take care of the kids if i left? How was i going to save the money for me trip, (I already figureed that one out)?

Also my husband has decided that since this was going to be such a extrme life experience for me that he wants to go with me. But he can't just take off 6 months from work. So he suggested we go for 1 week a year. Are you kidding me? It would take 25+ years to finish the whole thing. My husband says, "well just work on getting in shape. We'll practice with the little hikes around here. We have to wait for the kids to be able to take care of themselves." Which is all sound reasonable, right?

I guess I should mention that i want to thru-hike the Appalachian Trail, a 2,189 mile hike. There's just something that.... I don't know the word for it, but i have to try for the thru-hike. Maybe it's just that i have to prove to myself that i can do something.

Reasons I'm going
  • Heal my broken mind.
  • To build up my wounded self confidence.
  • I have never followed through with anything.
  • Posting this till retirement is not an option. Life is short to wait for an adventure.
  • Everyone says to reduce stress or i need a break, but when i tell them my life they don't know what to say.
  • I can't reenlist in the military.
Why I can't go.... All reasonable arguments

  • Who's going to watch my kids for 6 months?
  • My husband can't just take 6 months off from work if he's going with me.
So for now I keep training like im going next year.

Update- I will be doing my AT thru hike in 2019!!

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