Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Winter Ménière's experiment

I should start by saying I live in Indiana. So, it seems winter is here early. I'm not ready, ok I am but I'm dredging it. We have all our winter prep stuff done.

So this winter I have decided to not have a winter like last years. For those that don't know I have Ménière's Syndrome, but I'm guessing you figured that out by the title. Anyways, last winter was the worst. So bad that I ended up being checked for MS. Which come to find out are the same symptoms of Ménière's but the symptoms envole into MS. The only way to tell them apart is a cat-scan. The test cam back no MS.

So my experiment this winter is I'm going to see if I keep myself as active as I am during the summer if I don't have as many or as bad Ménière's attacks. My plan is to run everyother day, or so. And to do my fluidity stretching. I bought a Jawbone Up24, that will keep track of my steps and sleeping and what not. You can check them out on the Jawbone Site or on Amazon.

Since it winterish outside now I've been working on this now. We have had a few snow falls already an it dosent seem to be helping. But I'm determined to push thru this. I don't know what the difference is between snow and rain that makes my head spin so much more. I told my husband that if it dosent work I might have to move to a non snowing place.

So far the only difference is that I'm more happy when I'm running regularly. If I skip a day I'm irate-able. I got some under armor winter running clothes so I don't freeze my but off, even though I could use to lose my butt.

Update Feb. 11, 2015

I have been having a way better winter then last year. But I am not sure if it's because of the milder winter or the changes I have made. Something new that I have changed since January, I'm now eating a vegetarian diet.
It does seem that my worst days are when its really cold outside, 31 and below. Does the cold bother you even if it not going to rain or snow?

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