Sunday, September 21, 2014

What exactly is obedience?

I guess this topic touches on a lot of subjects and unknowns. With raising children, religion and of course the compasaty of the autisic mind.

My 8 year old son with autism had a melt down today because he didn't want to do what he was told. He trew and broke stuff again and I got really mad. I sent him to his room and I went to mine. All I could think of was "I'm tired of being a quite mom and letting him get away with stuff. Everyone else has to pay the price for his actions. And sometimes it's we literally have to go buy something and replace what he broke. And other people have had to go and replace things that he has broken.

But I keep coming back to "What do I really except from him? Of course what can I really do about it? I can't punish him cause one In today's world it really leaves parents no option except to "let kids be kids" and on the other hand does he really understand what he's doing?

I want him to at least be good a least at school. But I know his days may be numbered at a public school.

Our neighbors are all about there children being in complete obdeance. So much so that the husband still does thing for his parents all the time. But really do you want your children to be completely obedient or do you want them to be sincer in what they do? I mean god want us to be sincer in our doing and not just going thru the motions.

I remember hearing something like this from somewhere, you can only except as much obedience as you would give to god.

I talked to my grandparents about this issue during there vist out here for the summer. And really it all came down to was, how much does my son really understand?

Does he understand that other people have feelings? Since he can't really express his own feelings very well, maybe not. Does he even really care?

Please share your toughts.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, he should have to understand there are consequences to his actions. If he breaks something you can't run out and replace it. He has to learn that it "costs" money, time, etc. Can he do some small job to earn money to replace it? Maybe not the entire cost but enough so that he might learn it doesn't just appear.

    No, i'm not sure he understands any of these concepts and I have to agree with you that if he can't define his own feelings to the point of explaining them I doubt he can see them or understand them in another. I don't have any idea on a solution there. BUT he has got to start being more obedient no matter that he understands anything else but "mom or dad, grandparents, teacher, etch said so. And he has to stop throwing such fits. The bigger he gets the more dangerous he becomes to himself and others.
